
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Proceed with Caution

Brynn Passed!!! I took her to go get her learners permit today. It's exciting to watch her grow up. Now she is on the road legally. Way to go SAS!! I have been letting her drive for awhile now. Brynn drives like a grandma very cautiously and slow! But I love it because she is safe. Except for when she tells me to slow down and be careful. GGRRRR!!


Rachel said...

Whew. Good thing we live way up here. Watch out!

pirate ride said...

Yea, Brynn!! Awesome job and way to be a cautious and slow! Oh my Em, is that what I have to look forward to is Kylee telling me to slow down and be careful! It's bad enough when Kirk does it to me!! Oh boy! LOL